
to JSE Health

Holisitc | Integrative | Vitalising

What is vitality to you?

Whether it’s achieving your desired fitness or body shape, having energy that is sustained throughout the day, delaying the signs of ageing, clear skin, more regular cycles, fuller healthy hair or wanting to understand more about hormones and the specific needs of women’s health. JSE HEALTH can help you achieve your health goals and to feel your best self.

Because when I ask you what vitality means to you it will link many different areas of your life together and that’s why it is so important that you are seen for the unique person and needs you have.


Fresh Release

Anxiety & Stress: Detangle the Chaos E-Book

This e-book explores anxiety and stress from a holistic perspective and provides you with the information you need in order to start supporting your body through this.

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Hi, I'‘m Courtney

I specialise in women’s hormone health, gut health and fitness.

As a competing body builder I know first hand the massive changes the body is capable of achieving and challenges that can come when it is pushed to the extremes.

You don’t have to feel stuck, confused and as though you are not feeling your best self. Just getting through the day and not loving what you see in the mirror. I can help you get your health back in order. I will do this in a holistic and integrative way using the many skills and qualifications at my disposal.

If you have just been diagnosed with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, menopause, fertility challenges etc. I can help you navigate these conditions and manage symptoms ( and yes you can lose weight with these conditions).

Do you need a health coach?

Whatever your nutritional and health goals are-coaching is a way to ensure you have the right advice and stay on track. Everyone needs someone helping them on their path. There is a reason businesses, sport professionals and even musicians have coaches. It keeps you progressing, keeps you growing and helps keep you accountable. Progress on your own is slow and full of pitfalls so why not set yourself up for success from the beginning. Find out more about the programs on offer.

You feel overwhelmed and as though you are barely coping with everything going on in your life.

And maybe people have told you it’s just stress, which is apart of life and you need to get on with it .

Everyone else seems to be coping and you can’t seem to figure out why no-one else is feeling like this .

All of this makes You so exhausted, all you want to do is rest but your mind won’t let you .


Your nights are spent lying awake, mind reliving the day

You want to discover what it’s like to fall asleep with ease & have your mind settled.

Book a one on one consultation so I can help you.


But I Still Want to Know More


Detangling from Anxiety

The E-Book- Anxiety; Making sense of the Chaos will help you remove the strings of anxiety and regain your freedom.


Find out about consultations

Become a JSE Health client to revitalise your health. So go ahead hun and click below.



JSE Health’s blog & podcast is overflowing with tips, facts, creativity and thought provoking reads. So dive in deep and soak it all up


What JSE Health Clients are saying…. 

Ms L.B

“She just got me. From the moment I walked in the door I knew she was going to help me. She just had this good energy and was so knowledgeable and really listened. I never knew there was help out there like this. And how much better I could feel. I was skeptical at first but it has been a game changer. Who knew diet & supplements could do so much!”

Ms T.M

Since seeing Courtney I feel so energised and able to sustain that throughout the whole day. I don't need 6 coffees' to keep me going anymore! And I can actually get to sleep at a normal time now.... I can't thank her enough.