It’s time to get your power back

and take action for your health and wellbeing.


Online coaching- Holisitic Heath Assessment and Review

PRICE: $170 (initial consultation )

  • Online 1:1 once off health assessment - 1.5hrs.

    • it sounds long but trust me in 1hr we never get through all your needs and we don’t want to rush because of a clock.

  • If you want to know how things are going and someone to have a review of your overall health or you have a particular concern you want addressed.

  • Pre- questionnaire to be completed to maximise good use of the session.

  • Review pathology: including liver function test, general blood work, thyroid levels, iron studies etc. ( I prefer that you bring or email the blood work prior to the consultation. I suggest getting it done at your GP as it is more cost effective and timely).

    • Additonal pathology only required if it concerns cannot be identified from standard labs. ie gut microbiome testing, dutch test etc.

  • Reviewing you and your needs in a holistic manner- using a medical perspective and naturopathic principles to determine what requirements you have and next steps.

  • Taking into consideration any requirements related to medical conditions, pathology, current lifestyle, personal circumstances, goals and current challenges.

  • Advice based on assessment may include: lifestyle advice, mindset activities, a nutritional plan, supplement recommendations, herbal remedies , flower essences and pharmaceutical review.

  • Plan provided post consultation on recommendations and next steps.

  • An in person consultation is possible in Sydney (subject to arrangement) - at a face to face we can also undertake an iridology assessment if desired as part of the consultation.

  • Follow up consultations of 30min to 1hr can be arranged on demand. Follow up 30min ($70) Follow up 1hr ($140)

Nourish me

Online coaching - Nutrition

PRICE: $80/wk

  • Online 1:1 - support available via text/ messaging Monday to Friday.

  • 8 week initial program- that will continue thereafter unless cancellation.

  • Assessment of current nutrition and eating patterns.

  • Weekly nutrition plan to achieve your goal ie weight loss, more energy and focus.

    • for beginners- weekly meal plan

    • for more advanced -weekly macronutrient targets

  • Weekly check in: written & voice note feedback- with adjustment to the plan based on how the week went.

  • MyFitnessPal guide for tracking intake.

  • Strategies to work towards your goal and still enjoy socialising- making sure to have a healthy relationship with food.

  • Step targets.

  • Weekly mindset goals.


Online coaching- VIP

PRICE: $100/wk

  • 1:1 online coaching - support available via txt/messaging 7 days (maybe a delay in response on weekends).

  • Combining the Nourish me and Guide me packages together to give a holistic review for all your health needs each week.

  • Review for food intolerance and overall nutrient intake for optimal energy and health.

  • Weekly check-in via phone or video call (1hr)to discuss your week that’s been, your needs going ahead and make necessary adjustments.

  • 8 week initial program -that will continue thereafter unless cancellation.

What’s great about my programs is you work with me directly not another practitioner or third party.

It is time to find your light and let it shine lovely xxx

If you have any more questions about my programs before you sign up, send me an email and lets chat about them :)